Why Artists Need Producers

To prove my point that you need a producer, I’ll give you a test.  The test is to listen to virtually every record that you really, really, love; most likely you will find the name of a producer on that record.  (Note - Exception: Sometimes bands may produce themselves using each other for objectivity.)

When an artist is ready for a producer, the producer will take you on to success.  Enjoy your life as a very successful artist.

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Vocal Technique vs Feel

This article explores the importance of feel as well as vocal technique that a singer needs to succeed. I work on both aspects in one-on-one sessions with my artists. In this blog, I talk about how these crucial elema\ents play out in the industry for artists of all levels and why/how an artist can and should work towards improving both.

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Singers – How to Prepare For the Road - from top vocal coach in Los Angeles

From celebrity vocal coach, Brad Chapman:

So, you’ve been doing a couple of shows a month and you’re voice recovers easily (even if you are yelling for high notes); you’ve got your record done and you have become very popular.

People want to see you as often as possible.  They’re your fans.  If you did any yelling during the recording, it is going to be hard to repeat that over and over again during the multitude of weekly shows.

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How To Prepare To Work With A Music Producer

This blog has some great tips from Top Los Angeles Vocal Coach, Brad Chapman. Learn how to prep your voice before getting in the studio and laying down tracks. If you have an upcoming recording session, and want to get your voice prepped the right way, reach out to Brad here:

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Vocal Lessons w/Brad Chapman: Play Music, Sing & Love What You Do

From Top Vocal Coach in Los Angeles: Brad Chapman blogs about what it really means to love and play music, and as a result, love what you do… what you want to do! Let’s take a look at what this really means. It means that when we’re playing music, we should be doing it in a emotional mood; not as if we are robots or study hard type people --- instead we are playing hard and loving what we do --- without emotion, there is no magic.

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Seeking Help With Vocal Technique Before Blowing Out Your Voice!

From Top Vocal Coach in Los Angeles: This blog is about is how to find the vocal training you need before you blow out your voice. You need to work with someone that can imitate your genre’ and really demonstrate how you want to sing.  When you sing something and they sing it back to you, it should sound fairly close to your genre’; whether it be an exercise or whether it be a song.

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Sing Night After Night Without Straining Your Voice: A Tour Survival Guide for Vocalists

Ever watched your favorite singer lose their voice mid-concert? It's heartbreaking for everyone. But it doesn't have to be that way. As a touring vocalist, your voice is your instrument, and just like any instrument, it needs proper care and maintenance to perform at its best night after night. In this guide, I'll share proven techniques to help you sing without straining, so you can deliver unforgettable performances and build a lasting career in music.

Why Vocal Health Matters on the Road

When you're first starting out, playing a couple of gigs a month, your voice might bounce back easily even if you're pushing it too hard. But as your fan base grows and your schedule intensifies, those bad habits will catch up to you.

Think of it this way: recording sessions offer the luxury of taking breaks and re-recording if your voice gets tired. Live performance? Not so much. Every night is a one-shot deal, and your fans are counting on you to bring the magic. Plus, if you have a crew and bandmates depending on you, vocal health becomes even more critical.

6 Essential Tips for Singing Without Strain

Here's how to keep your voice in top shape for the long haul:

1. Stop Shouting, Start Singing

Let me be blunt: yelling to hit high notes is a recipe for disaster. It damages your vocal cords and rarely conveys the emotion you want. Instead, learn how to access your "belted head voice" – a powerful technique that lets you hit those high notes with intensity and control, without the strain.

2. Master the Belted Head Voice

What is belted head voice? It's a vocal technique that develops your head voice to have more power, allowing you to sing high notes with strength and clarity. I can help you develop this essential skill.

3. Invest in In-Ear Monitors

In-ear monitors are your secret weapon against vocal strain. They allow you to hear yourself clearly, even in a loud environment, so you can fine-tune your technique and avoid oversinging. Trust me, your voice (and your audience) will thank you.

4. Treat Your Voice Like an Instrument

Guitarists baby their guitars. Drummers pamper their drums. You need to be just as fanatical about your voice! This means:

  • Warming up before every performance: Just like an athlete stretches before a game, singers need to prepare their vocal cords for action.

  • Cooling down after shows: Gentle vocal exercises after a performance can help reduce inflammation and stiffness.

  • Minimizing vocal strain during the day: Avoid excessive talking, especially in loud environments.

5. Optimize Monitor Speaker Placement (If You Must)

If in-ear monitors aren't an option, work with your sound engineer to position your monitors strategically. You want to hear yourself clearly without creating feedback.

6. Prioritize Cardio and Steam

Daily cardiovascular exercise improves circulation and stamina, which benefits your voice. Regular steam sessions can also work wonders for your vocal cords by reducing swelling and inflammation.

The Science of Vocal Strain

When you yell, you're essentially slamming your vocal cords together with excessive force. This causes inflammation and damage over time. Stamina comes from treating your vocal cords with care, not from brute force.

My Mantra: "If You Fight with Your Voice, You'll Always Lose"

Touring is an incredible experience. Connect with your fans, enjoy the ride, but remember to conserve your energy and vocal resources. Don't let vocal strain derail your dreams.

Want to learn more about vocal health and technique? Consider booking a consultation to discover personalized strategies for protecting your voice.

About the Author:

Brad Chapman is an award-winning vocal pre-producer based in Los Angeles. He's renowned for his unique approach to helping singers unlock the emotional depth and authenticity of their voices. Brad has collaborated with legendary producers like Quincy Jones and David Kahne, and his client list includes music icons such as Michael Jackson, Prince, Madonna, and countless others.